Drop the Lines! (Jan 05, 2016)

Drop the Lines! (Jan 05, 2016)

At 0852 all lines were dropped and we headed away from the jetty. Skipper was very happy as we sailed out of the Fremantle Fishing Boat Harbour, knowing he was up for yet another adventure.

Rotto Fins. After dropping our lines near 9am, a Tursiops sighting near Rottnest Island began our marine mammal journey.

Rotto Fins. After dropping our lines near 9am, a Tursiops sighting near Rottnest Island began our marine mammal journey.

In the grey and almost gloom we headed straight for the Perth Canyon to deploy one of Rob’s long-term noise-loggers. With eyes and ears open, we were thrilled with an early sighting of Common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus) and even some Risso’s dolphins! Grey scarred tall dorsal fins and white, heavily scarred bodies easily identifying these offshore species. Skipper didn’t miss a beat and got right back into the swing of his barking excitedly at animals! It was funny to see! He leapt expertly over all the gear spread on the boat deck for the logger deployment, zig-zagging and making his way to the bow, selecting at random, fairleads through which to look for the dolphins. First he barked at the bow, then amidships and then to port and then starboard! It was all nicely chaotic again! Not interested in approaching, the Risso’s dolphins remained at least 0.25 nm away.

 Skipper is Happy! Right back at it ­ the fairlead his favourite spot!

Skipper is Happy! Right back at it ­ the fairlead his favourite spot!

With the logger successfully deployed we made our way south, and towards Cape Leeuwin we travelled. Still in blue whale country, we recorded pygmy blue whale acoustic detections with sonobuoys using some recent software mods from Rodney. Thanks mate – they worked like a treat!

Grey Haze. In the grey, near-gloom, a short encounter with a pod of Risso's dolphins delighted!

Grey Haze. In the grey, near-gloom, a short encounter with a pod of Risso’s dolphins delighted!

To the Southern Ocean the sea beckons!   What manner of cetacean vocalisations will we listen to tonight?

Avian Observer. While deploying the long-term logger a petrel of sorts (?) glides over the glassy water.

Avian Observer. While deploying the long-term logger a petrel of sorts (?) glides over the glassy water.

Stay safe.

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