Video Diaries

Follow our journey onboard the CWR Research Vessel Whale Song.
Watch our Video Diaries listed below in order of most recent posting.


WAVES Preview

In January 2014, CWR conducted a 31 day expedition to the Antarctic. The WAVES (Whale Song Antarctic Voyage for Ecosystem Studies) departed from Hobart, travelling along the ice-edge and home to Fremantle. The following is a preview of events filmed on this journey. We anticipate producing a full length documentary in the future.



WhaleSong – Before It’s Too Late

A Storyteller production released in 1998 which follows Curt and Mich’s research on Western Australian humpback whales.



Dwarf Minke Whales of the Great Barrier Reef

Whale Song helps to satellite tag four dwarf minke whales – a world first!

5 July to 16 July, 2013



To the Tropics

Whale Song heads north along the east Australian coast, counting humpback whales and dodging storms

30 June to 4 July, 2013

Leaving Jervis Bay

Whale Song leaves Jervis Bay and commences the ‘Eastern Australian Acoustic Profile – Winter 2013’

28 – 29 June 2013

Part of the Pod

During our stay in Jervis Bay we find time to test the acoustic equipment and track some whales.

17 – 27 June 2013

Refuge Cove to Jervis Bay

Whale Song leaves Refuge Cove and heads for Jervis Bay.

12 – 16 June 2013

Mapping Paradise

Whale Song anchors at Refuge Cove, Wilson’s Promontory in winter 2013. We meet fellow scientist, Dr Daniel Ierodiaconou from Deakin University who is mapping the area’s seafloor.

11 June 2013

Dolphins are Common Here

Part of our trip across the Great Australian Bight in winter 2013. We encounter many dolphins in an area of interest known as the Bonney Upwelling.

10 June 2013

Resights and Encounters

Part of our trip across the Great Australian Bight in winter 2013. We encounter the same sub-adult humpback whale that we sighted the day before.

08 & 09 June 2013

Whales of Spencer Gulf

Part of our trip across the Great Australian Bight in winter 2013. We encounter a sub-adult humpback whale and two southern right whales.

06 & 07 June 2013

Soaring the Seas

Part of our trip across the Great Australian Bight in winter 2013.

04 & 05 June 2013

Out from the Deep

Part of our trip across the Great Australian Bight in winter 2013.  We observe a sperm whale.

03 June 2013

CWR Southern Australian Acoustic Profile Winter 2013 – Day 1

We depart Fremantle and begin our journey towards East.

01 June 2013

Adventures on Whale Song

A short preview of our adventures.

29 May 2013

Australian Story Part 2/2

An Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) documentary. The story of Curt and Micheline Jenner. Part 2.

Australian Story Part 1/2

An Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) documentary. The story of Curt and Micheline Jenner. Part 1.
