Whale Behaviours – Exhaling/Inhaling

Cetaceans are mammals, they are marine mammals and as such are air breathers.  Whale researchers can observe cetaceans, (whales, dolphins and porpoises) when they surface to breathe, spotting their blows from afar.


A Pygmy Blue Whale. Pod 1, an animal approximately 22 m long, came over to check out Whale Song!

Here is a pygmy blue whale, it’s misty blow shrouding the spashguard.


Familiar Footprints. Following a feeding pygmy blue whale.

Familiar Footprints,we are on the trail of a feeding pygmy blue whale.


Bachelor Herd Life. Two subadult male sperm whales travel together.

It’s windy in the Southern Ocean, the left-angled blow of a sperm whale is characteristic. Here two subadult male sperm whales travel together.


Trifecta. Male with tall dorsal fin in foreground, females or juvenile males beyond.

Killer whale blows. In the foreground the tall dorsal fin of a male dominates, behind two females or juvenile males parallel.


Incoming calf beside its' mother. They made three passes beneath Whale Song!

Just the beginning of a blow from a calf killer whale.


lowres-5720 In deepwater near Christmas Island, young males travelled together. A single, left-angled blow totally indicative of sperm whales.


We have humpback whales on the loose again! It was lovely to see these friends again!

A misty blow rises above a migrating humpback whale.



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