Welcome to the WhaleSong II R.V.

The Centre's new research ship - the R/V WhaleSong II!

The Centre's new research ship - the R/V WhaleSong II!

The Centre is about to begin a new phase of exploratory research in Australian waters. Little to nothing is known of whale and dolphin distribution in Australian EEZ waters beyond the coastal zone – a problem that must be overcome if Australia is to be continued to be seen as a world leader in cetacean research and management.

CWR’s strength lies in its ability to conduct boat based off-shore research. Replacing the RV WhaleSong with a larger more ocean capable vessel is a necessary step forward if we are to keep pace with man’s need for off-shore resources. We believe that knowledge is our best tool to protect the whales’ critical habitats.

The hi-tech helm of the R/V WhaleSong II.

The hi-tech helm of the R/V WhaleSong II.

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