Sleeping is Good!

Aug 20, 2014

At 0650 we lifted our anchor in Myridi Bay, a favourite evening possie and made for Yampi Sound.  Very soon the whole gang looked for whales and we were underway with our observations.  This is a team effort and everyone makes a huge contribution.  Well done!

A resting cow and calf pair, with an accompanying escort, spotted by Doug, snoozed their way through the morning and afternoon.  It is all about gaining energy if you are a calf and conserving energy of you are a lactating mum… Keeping your calf relatively still and sleeping, serves to rest both mum and the calf, while keeping a low profile and not attracting any other potential male suitors.

The sunlight warmed the beautiful rust-coloured rocks of favoured Myridi Bay.

The sunlight warmed the beautiful rust-coloured rocks of favoured Myridi Bay.

I took my lunch on deck in between whale surfacing, kindly served by Resty.  Snorkelling down a bowl of his delicious special fried rice, I felt human again and lasted until the next treat, baked m & m cookies.  On through the afternoon we observed, sleeping and more sleeping by whales.  One could get tired at this game!

Cows need to be strategic, aware and even opportunists.  Choosing suitable locations in which to rest and even deciding when to leave the calving grounds, can immensely influence the chance of survival of her calf.  Being totally au fait with the goings on around her is necessary for her own survival, as well as her calf.  Often with the approach of large boisterous pods, cows can use a vessel as an unlikely ‘hiding place’, seeking shelter or even using it to give marauding males the slip.  Each encounter with a humpback whale pod is different and unique.  I really enjoy observing their behaviours over a several hour period, just to see what they do throughout their day.

A sleeping trio - this cow, calf and escort pod slept their way through the day.

A sleeping trio – this cow, calf and escort pod slept their way through the day.

Dining before we anchored, we were treated to tasty Thai red curry served with bowls of hot steamed rice.  The anchor was dropped at 8pm at a new anchorage near Conilurus Island.  It shall be nice in the morning!  The cameras are ready!

It was clear that sleeping was on the agenda today.  A sleepy Wednesday, apparently!  Very soon, I shall do the same!





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