We Can’t Seem To Leave Port Lincoln!

Day 2 (Feb 01, 2016)

We continued to test equipment today while at anchor not far from the slipway, reticent to travel until everything was fully sorted. With the evening TV news we learned the path of ex-Tropical Cyclone Stan, now downgraded to a rain-bearing depression, which is crossing the country in a SE track, with the associated implications and influences regarding the weather across the south coast of Australia throughout the midnight hours tonight.

Billy Lights Point in Our Sights. Wide-open spaces and vistas placate our desire to get going.

Billy Lights Point in Our Sights. Wide-open spaces and vistas placate our desire to get going.

Neatly tucked at anchor (waiting for a part to arrive tomorrow) could be the best place we could be right now. I am convinced everything happens for a reason. Whale Song doesn’t like to be still and all her systems need gentle coaxing back into functioning order after any non-activity such as a hardstand stint, even only 2.5 weeks.

There is Some Wind/Rain Coming. Looking across Proper Bay to Flinders Monument and Stamford Hill on the Australian mainland in the southern part of Eyre Peninsula.

There is Some Wind/Rain Coming. Looking across Proper Bay to Flinders Monument and Stamford Hill on the Australian mainland in the southern part of Eyre Peninsula.

I am deliriously happy to be back on board, afloat and here and now.

Keep safe,


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