Kimberley Expedition Images Diary

Sep 18, 2014

‘We’ve got whales mum, they are right here!’  Skippers’ excited bark and frenzied expression seem to translate as such!  Just what whales and dolphins make of our crazy Jack Russel is of course unknown, but bow-riding cetaceans appear to engage with him and he with them.  Dolphins often roll to look up at the noisy little face peering through the fairleads.  What a funny world!


With Skipper’s warning we know we have whales nearby.  ‘Pwwhh!’ and quickly another ‘pwwhh!’ fill the gaps between Skippers’ excited barking, as two humpback whales exhale and inhale.  Beside us, 80 tonnes of bone, blubber and muscle surface, efficiently exchanging 95% of their lung capacity.


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